Even air conditioners installed by your reliable AC contractor in Haughton, such as AccuTemp Cooling and Heating, can show stress from overworking in the summertime. Homeowners, thus, when not mindful of their energy consumption, can expect exactly what they’ve been dreading all along— higher utility bills. But while higher efficiency air conditioning systems are available in the market, homeowners need not rush to have their older systems replaced. As US News’ Abby Hayes assures, “You don’t have to replace your entire air-conditioning system to lower your summer electric bills.”
Here are some three simple ways (the first borrowed from Hayes) homeowners can take to save more money on their air conditioning bills during the sweltering summer season:
Installing a programmable thermostat – The most basic programmable thermostat can easily be installed via do-it-yourself in just one hour. The basic device comes with preset temperature settings intended for different times of the day. With a programmable thermostat, homeowners can rely on the device to make the adjustments in temperature whenever needed.
Some newer programmable thermostats can be controlled even from miles away. Also known as “Smart” thermostats, these devices can be controlled through a personalized web portal from any place that has internet access. Users can just log in to check on their air conditioner’s performance and adjust settings on the fly.
More green around the home – Much of the heat that accumulates inside the house comes directly from the sun. Planting trees and introducing foliage around the home, especially where the sun’s rays (at its hottest) strike, should help deflect the heat. Leafy green trees or shrubs that shade an air conditioner can actually boost the system’s efficiency for up to 10 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
“Dress up” your windows – Mesh-like window screens (aka solar screens) intercept up to 70 percent of solar energy before much of it gets inside the house. These screens are particularly more effective on both east and west-facing windows, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. For other options, homeowners can opt for window films, which are transparent, metalized sheets that can deflect heat out.
These simple tips may prove effective enough that one need not replace a perfectly working air conditioner from a dependable Haughton AC contractor to have the unit work much more efficiently. A little mindfulness and some easy sensible tricks can significantly increase your comfort during the sweltering summer months while giving your air conditioning system a few some more years to serve you.
(Source: 8 Steps to Take Now to Save on Your Summer Air-Conditioning Bill, US News, July 20, 2014)