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Common Furnace Problems in Bossier City, LA

On November 14th, 2022

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If you live in Bossier City, LA, you know the winters can be colder than many assume. Trust us, you don't want your furnace to break down when the temperature drops and the weather worsens. Unfortunately, furnace problems are all too common in Bossier City homes. Here are seven of the most frequent furnace issues and their possible solution.

Top 7 Common Furnace Issues:

1. Furnace Not Igniting

If your furnace isn't igniting, the most likely culprit is a problem with, you guessed it, the igniter which lights the gas. If it isn't functioning, no gas!

Your igniter could have several different issues. It may be dirty, preventing it from making good contact with the natural gas. It could also be damaged or faulty. If you suspect your igniter is the culprit, try cleaning it first before calling in a team of experts to service the unit. 

2. Furnace Is Not Staying On

A heating system that won't stay on is easily noticeable from the air quality and comfort to the amount of flow from your vents. The most common reasons for a finicky heater are below:

Thermostat Settings Are Incorrect  

It may seem obvious, but when the weather is in flux, it can be difficult to remember what setting you're on. Ensure that "heat" and not "cool" are selected as the thermostat settings. Also, ensure the temperature is set to a high enough degree to trigger the furnace.

Pilot Light Is Out  

The furnace won't operate if the pilot's light flame goes out. Make sure there isn't a fan or anything creating a draft in the room that could blow out the pilot light. Then, relight the pilot light according to your specific furnace model's instructions.

Dirty Air Filter

Airflow obstruction from a clogged air filter will make the furnace overheat. It's good practice to replace air filters every three months. It's also recommended to have professionals clean your air ducts annually. 

Tripped Circuit Breaker

If a circuit breaker trips, it means there's too much electricity flowing. This can happen if multiple appliances run at once or if something is askew with the wiring in your house. Reset the circuit breaker and see if that solves the problem. 

Furnace Switch is Off 

If all else fails, make sure it's turned on! The furnace switch is usually located near the furnace itself or on a nearby wall.

3. Furnace is Not Heating Evenly

Uneven heating may result from the blower motor malfunctioning, which prevents it from adequately circulating air. A clogged or blocked filter may also bring on uneven heating. 

4. Furnace is Making Strange Noises

Strange noises coming from your furnace may be a sign of a significant issue. Furnaces can create a variety of odd noises, such as whistling and humming as well as slamming and popping. It's essential to have a HVAC technician inspect your system as soon as you notice any strange noises coming from it.

5. Furnace Smells Strange

If your furnace smells strange, it could be due to several different issues. First, check to see if anyone in your household has recently been smoking tobacco products inside. If so, the smell could be lingering in the ductwork. Second, the smell could come from their fur or bedding if you have pets. Third, check to see if any food or garbage items are stored near the furnace. These items can rot and produce odors that will waft through your home. Lastly, inspect the furnace itself for any signs of burning or charring. If you notice any of these issues, call an expert immediately to have the problem diagnosed and repaired.

6. Furnace Blowing Cold Air

When it feels more like air conditioning, head back to the thermostat to see if it is in the "heat." If so, make sure the furnace is receiving power. Checking the fuse box or circuit breaker is necessary if there is no power. If the power is on, it may be time to call expert staff to answer your questions.

7. Furnace Leaking Water

Identifying the source of any water leak is crucial. In most cases, the leak will come from the condensate line or the drain pan. If the leak comes from the condensate line, it's likely due to a clog in the line, a job for a professional cleaner who can clear the line. If the drain pan is the source, there is likely to be a crack.

Furnace Left Unserviced

If annual care, small warning signs, or a simple part replacement is ignored, your furnace will undoubtedly continue to wear and tear, eventually needing to be replaced. Notably, you'll also see an increase in your energy bills as your furnace struggles to work efficiently. Ultimately, ignoring furnace problems can cause more money and unnecessary stress than getting a quote from quality contractors who can keep an expert eye on your HVAC system. A small price to pay for benefits like quality and safety.

Cost of Furnace Maintenance and Repair

Repairing a broken furnace can be a difficult and expensive task. The average cost to repair a furnace in Bossier City, LA, is $300. However, to replace your furnace may cost up to $3,500.

It's important for homeowners to service their furnaces once a year. If you're having trouble with your furnace, the best thing to do is get assistance from a licensed professional for help. They'll be able to identify the issue and give you a precise repair cost estimate. 

Thinking of getting an expert's help? Accutemp offers excellent service, with highly skilled technicians who have years of experience at affordable pricing for all. The company operates in the Shreveport neighborhood and has the professional tools to handle a wide variety of services, everything from heating repair to maintenance of your HVAC systems. Book an appointment today, customers can get a free consultation to help diagnose next steps!

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