In many places around the country, an air conditioner is not just a luxury but a worthwhile investment. Unfortunately, like all appliances, your AC will eventually conk out and need the occasional repair.
While there are companies that offer reliable and speedy air conditioning repair in Shreveport, until the experts arrive, you’re left with a stuffy house. Luckily, there are a couple measures to take to keep your family comfortable until repairs are done:
Fans, Fans, Fans
The No. 1 step to take when your AC folds is to ensure proper air circulation in your home. Bring out the electric fans, an effective and inexpensive form of circulation. If you have enough fans at home, put one on a windowsill facing outward. It will suck the warm air out of your house and indirectly lower indoor temperature. For homes with ceiling fans, reverse the rotation to counterclockwise. Doing so pulls hot air up and away from you, lowering the temperature by up to eight degrees.
Cool Your Attic
Speaking of fans, sticking one in your attic can also help make the indoor temperature more bearable. Remember, attics tend to accumulate heat, which then radiates into your living spaces. To prevent this, open the attic door and place a fan at the threshold. This will blow hot air out of the attic and help keep your home cool.
No Cooking!
Air conditioners have a habit of breaking down at the most inopportune time. Case in point: right before you cook lunch or dinner. As all home cooks know, firing up the stove without a working air conditioner can be very unpleasant, so guess what? Order out! Not only will you spare yourself from unnecessary sweating, you’ll also avoid raising your home’s overall temperature, a side-effect of cooking in your kitchen. If you need to feed your brood before the repairmen arrive, just order a pizza.
Escape the Heat
Look, there’s no reason to stay inside and be miserably hot at home. If your kids become antsy, send them to the mall. Likewise, bring them to the local swimming pool so they can frolic in the refreshing water. Just make sure that someone is left home to let in the repairmen.
Of course, these tips are all ways to manage the heat until your AC is fixed. Your first order of business should always be to call a Shreveport air conditioning expert from trusted companies like AccuTemp.
9 Tips For Keeping Cool When Your Air Conditioner Breaks,
How to stay cool when your AC Breaks Down,